Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Rant

The United States has established itself a secular government. As a government that promises not to inflict religious beliefs on its people (as stated in the constitution) its use of the words 'Under God' in its official Pledge of Allegiance is a violation of the Nation's supreme law of the land, and should be taken out immediatly.

In addition to being a violation of the constitution, 'Under God' offends several different religions for several different reasons. Polythiestic religions are being forced to pledge allegiance to one deity, and non-believing people are forced to hear about the notion of God. However, God-beleiving religions are offended by the remark as well. Some find it as God's name taken in vain...a sour attempt by our government to bring God into the nation and force him on their citizens. Others are apathetic, saying that leaving the words, or taking them out, will not affect their religios faith in any way, shape or form. Whereas it deeply offends non-religious people like Athiests.

Above all, the words 'Under God' are a sour attempt by our country's government to distinguish itself from Godless comunist contries. If this can even be considered a valid point, God has nothing to do with the government of a country. And it is no governent's place, especially that of the United States of America, to force any religious belief on the people who live there.

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